When you wind up with a bunch of unneeded wooden pallets, there are some things you should consider doing with them before completely discarding them. Fortunately, you can choose to get rid of unwanted pallets in many ways. Still, the worst possible option is to throw them away and discard these materials in landfills. Not only is this a waste of good resources, but it could also mean throwing money down the drain. Instead, try one of these methods for properly disposing of your old wooden pallets.

Return Programs and Refurbishing

Pallet recycling programs are the most ideal form of pallet disposal. For example, return programs allow you to return used pallets to the manufacturers to earn credits for new pallets. Another great service that many manufacturers offer is refurbishing. Pallet users can have their wooden pallets repaired and refurbished into a stronger and more reliable container for products. Repairing, rather than buying new pallets, will save your business a substantial amount of money.

If you can’t find a place to take them, consider enlisting a wood pallet pickup service. A pallet pickup service will come to you to remove any of your unwanted or broken-down pallets. This will help lower your waste removal costs and potentially create rebate revenues for resalable pallets in the marketplace. Whether you try out a pallet pickup service or one of the previous examples, these return programs also make for a much more sustainable industry by increasing a pallet’s life expectancy.

Selling Used Pallets

Another great pallet disposal procedure is to sell used pallets. There are several options for selling back used pallets. Pallet recycling companies will typically take them, or you can sell them to a third-party vendor. This will allow you to get some of the money back that you initially invested in the pallets since they will perform necessary repairs on them and sell them to other companies. There are also scrap pallet buyers that will buy pallets, even just for the wood.

Give Pallets Away

When wondering how to dispose of wood pallets, don’t discount the idea of free giveaways. If you find your warehouse is filling up with used pallets that you want to get rid of quickly, there are many people and businesses who would be glad to take them off your hands. This also continues to support recycling, which will only continue to help the industry. Putting out an ad that you have extra pallets you could part with can also spread the word to those who could use them. Consider enlisting a wood pallet pickup service to lower your waste removal costs and potentially create rebate revenues for pallets that are resalable in the marketplace.